Our full color palette shows how we use our brand colors proportionally. The specifications for our primary, secondary, and tertiary color palettes, illustrated on the following page, ensure that we consistently look our best at all times, whatever the format.
Core Palette
Our primary color palette is what we use the most. The Gold Gradient is a dominant color for our brand with White and Black used to balance out our primary palette.
Primary Color
HEX #000000
CMYK 00-00-00-100
RGB 000-000-000
Primary Color
HEX #ffffff
CMYK 00-00-00-100
RGB 255-255-255

Secondary & Tertiary Palette
We use our secondary palette sparingly and alongside our primary colors. These colors can be used as accents, callouts, and certain graphic elements. The tertiary palette (bottom row) is intended for limited use in charts and graphs only.our primary palette.
PMS 110C
HEX #e5b611
CMYK 02-22-100-08
RGB 230-183-17
Light Gold
HEX #f5e003
CMYK 7-5-100-0
RGB 245-224-3
Light Grey
HEX #efefef
CMYK 5-3-3-0
RGB 239-239-239
Dark Gold
HEX #d1a33c
CMYK 18-35-91-1
RGB 209-163-60
Dark Grey
HEX #c7c7c7
CMYK 22-17-17-00
RGB 199-199-199
HEX #921a28
CMYK 27-100-87-27
RGB 146-26-40
HEX #325a6d
CMYK 84-56-42-21
RGB 50-90-109
HEX #d69e77
CMYK 16-41-56-0
RGB 214-158-119
HEX #959b7b
CMYK 44-30-57-3
RGB 149-155-123
Light Red
HEX #e88475
CMYK 5-59-49-0
RGB 232-132-117
HEX #3f1f14
CMYK 48-76-80-69
RGB 63-31-20
ADA Color compliance
Consistent use of color helps the brain to establish relationships – between emotions, abilities, experiences and people, but above all they help to strengthen an identity.our primary palette.
Use only Black text on a
Cheers Gold Gradient background
Use White, Light Gold, or Dark Gold text on a Black background
Use only Black text on a Light Gray background
Use only Black text on a Dark Gold background
Use only Black text on a
White background
Use only Black text on a Light Gold background
To ensure that our colors are accessible for everyone on screen, follow these rules for ADA compliance for text 12pt or smaller.
Use only Black text on a Dark Gray background
Our full color palette shows how we use our brand colors proportionally. The specifications for our primary, secondary, and tertiary color palettes, illustrated on the following page, ensure that we consistently look our best at all times, whatever the format.
Core Palette
Our primary color palette is what we use the most. The Gold Gradient is a dominant color for our brand with White and Black used to balance out
our primary palette.
Primary Color
HEX #000000
CMYK 00-00-00-100
RGB 000-000-000
Primary Color
HEX #ffffff
CMYK 00-00-00-100
RGB 255-255-255

Secondary & Tertiary Palette
We use our secondary palette sparingly and alongside our primary colors. These colors can be used as accents, callouts, and certain graphic elements. The tertiary palette (bottom row) is intended for limited
use in charts and graphs only.our primary palette.
PMS 110C
HEX #e5b611
CMYK 02-22-100-08
RGB 230-183-17
Light Gold
HEX #f5e003
CMYK 7-5-100-0
RGB 245-224-3
Light Grey
HEX #efefef
CMYK 5-3-3-0
RGB 239-239-239
Dark Gold
HEX #d1a33c
CMYK 18-35-91-1
RGB 209-163-60
Dark Grey
HEX #c7c7c7
CMYK 22-17-17-00
RGB 199-199-199
HEX #921a28
CMYK 27-100-87-27
RGB 146-26-40
HEX #325a6d
CMYK 84-56-42-21
RGB 50-90-109
HEX #d69e77
CMYK 16-41-56-0
RGB 214-158-119
HEX #959b7b
CMYK 44-30-57-3
RGB 149-155-123
Light Red
HEX #e88475
CMYK 5-59-49-0
RGB 232-132-117
HEX #3f1f14
CMYK 48-76-80-69
RGB 63-31-20
ADA Color compliance
Consistent use of color helps the brain to establish relationships – between emotions, abilities, experiences and people, but above all they help to strengthen an identity.our primary palette.
Use only Black text on a
Cheers Gold Gradient background
Use White, Light Gold, or Dark Gold text on a Black background
Use only Black text on a Light Gray background
Use only Black text on a Dark Gold background
Use only Black text on a
White background
Use only Black text on a Light Gold background
To ensure that our colors are accessible for everyone on screen, follow these rules for ADA compliance for text 12pt or smaller.
Use only Black text on a Dark Gray background